Margarita Arnal Moscardó

Picture of Margarita Arnal Moscardó
Margarita Arnal Moscardó

Which book should everyone read?

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Choosing a single book for everyone is an impossible simplification. I would first decide on the literary genre and then I would realize that the only literary genre whose language is common to all regardless of race, creedit is the spiritual language, it never goes out of fashion, it has no expiration date and everyone understands its meaning at one time or another in their life. If I had to choose a classic, I would choose to read the Chinese philosopher “Lao-Tse” and his magnificent work the Tao-Te-Ching. But a current essential book to understand the origin of mankind, the connection of the soul with the universe, how the human spirit is connected to the universe, and how the human spirit human spirit can be found at overcomes a itself self, without no doubt “The Chosen Ones”.

Mujeres imposibles de olvidar
Margarita Arnal Moscardó

How to start with personal development?

Personal development aims to help you overcome your fears and achieve happiness through a change of mentality. This is the simplified explanation. It used to be said that to overcome

Margarita Arnal Moscardó

What does self-knowledge mean?

If we had to make a synthesis we would say that self-knowledge is the act of seeing yourself as you are, without deception or excuses, accepting yourself even if you

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