Being a psychiatrist does not define you as a human being except for having some basic knowledge about human behavior and the biochemistry of the brain. You can be an innovative or classical psychiatrist, which will lead to different tastes in reading. But one should not forget the environment, place of education, belief base, all of which influence and converge when choosing what to read. Of course he will read books related to his profession but if he is a classical psychiatrist, he will completely reject the multitude of self-help tools that can improve the quality of life of patients diagnosed with different mental illnesses. And if he i s closed minded, he will not even read them to establish his own comparative research parameter to give a final opinion.
But being optimistic, a modern psychiatrist looks for and uses all the “possible” tools that can improve the quality of life of his patients, beyond drugs. In the whole psychiatric process it is necessary to name from physiognomy as a support technique to diagnose a mental illness, to the control over emotions that after a great discipline can improve many patients, having to take their dose of drugs but in smaller quantities.
We cannot generalize, because it will depend on the diagnosis of the patient and each patient is a world just like the doctor. The books that a psychiatrist reads are not only those related to his profession of academic type, but treaties sometimes elaborated by other psychiatrist colleagues like Dr. Moody, doctor in philosophy, medicine and psychiatrist, who wrote that book so revolutionary in the year 1975 “Life after life” today is a classic in the self help books.
I would recommend to Dr. or Dr. psychiatrist Las elegidas – women impossible to forget – because it is a wealth of ancestral knowledge camouflaged in their stories and revealed in their initiation process of different rituals, and much more, but as you know, there are different colors for different tastes.