Thematic index of terminology
Tarot terminology: A compendium of symbolic concepts and other branches such as alchemy, numerology, associated with the Tarot. The mysteries that make it up will help you not only understand and do readings but also understand its origin and essence beyond popular knowledge.
Spiritual terminology: A set of basic concepts to understand what spirituality is. How to reach spiritual awakening through the philosophy of religions, dreams and the different tools that will help you in the different phases of awakening consciousness and thus connecting with your spirituality.
Astral terminology: A small encyclopedia of terms where you will find the main theories and concepts of disciplines that make up traditional esotericism as well as the philosophy and mythology that involve the mystery of other dimensions.
Terminology of women: A compendium dedicated to feminism, the role of women in history and their most representative figures over time. It also delves into the ancestral meaning of the feminine from a spiritual and symbolic perspective.
Conversations with oneself
Conversations with oneself Each one of us has the ability to connect with their conscience and listen to their messages.
Gods and goddesses
Gods and goddesses In the first civilizations of humanity that we know of, the gods and goddesses were always present.
Destiny Destiny is understood as the set of seemingly inevitable and sometimes fortuitous events from which people cannot escape. Much
Tarot cards
Tarot cards This is a deck of 78 cards that are divided into 22 major arcana (great truths) and 56
Journey to pain
Journey to pain We are born with pain; we must make an effort to learn to walk and eat. In
Spiritual autobiography
Spiritual autobiography The life stories of those considered great teachers of humanity deserve to be read if they are well