This is a deck of 78 cards that are divided into 22 major arcana (great truths) and 56 minor arcana (mundane truths). The one who handles the Tarot, does so with all the cards, otherwise the information remains incomplete. This is called the cartomancer. Certainly, there are those who only use the 22 major arcana for divination, but it is like reading half a book, you must finish it. I understand that the symbology of the 56 minor arcana is very poor for the mind to act easily giving answers, but it is that the mundane is undoubtedly much more boring, but necessary to live in this world. You can tell with the major arcana if a property will be sold but without the minor ones you will not be able to say when.
For the psychic who does not need the cards to raise their consciousness through their mind, they can use only the 22 arcana. Like looking at the person, or the ashes of a cigar, or the coffee grounds, it is actually the person that is psychic, with these forms just a tool to help. For the one who is training their mind and is intuitive but not yet clairvoyant, they need to learn the 78 cards.
In psychology, the 22 major arcana are used, and their meaning is to work the personality archetypes that the images are in themselves profoundly powerful enough to create synaptic connections in our brain.
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Health, sexuality and reincarnation through the tarot
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The Egyptian tarot
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