Margarita Arnal Moscardó

Historical predictions through tarot and astrology

profetas y predicciones históricas

Throughout the centuries, the art of foreseeing the future has fascinated humanity, manifesting itself most notably in the practices of astrology and tarot. From the times of ancient Greece, where oracles and diviners were central figures in important decision-making, to the mystics of today, these disciplines have served as tools for understanding the unknown. These […]

Tarot and its Terminology

Tarot y su Terminología

A little history The Tarot is an ancient system that dates back to ancient Egypt. The famous legend of the God Thot and his book of 78 sheets of gold, which helped the human being understand his origin, his direction and his end. This mysterious book, according to legend, ended up at the bottom of […]


Libros del Tarot

For the student of the subject, it can be somewhat difficult to start the learning process if you are not clear about where to begin and what to consider. The books on Tarot that correspond to authors known as classics in the esoteric world are an inexhaustible source of knowledge. But at the same time, […]

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