Numerology: Is your destiny a numbers game?

Discover the mysteries about numerology and its divination methods. Everything you need to know about this science you will find here
Discover the transformative power of astral travel

Learn everything about astral travel and dreams. Learn about real testimonies and cases of real astral travel.
Self-help rituals for the modern woman: Awake your spirit

A short introduction to the importance of self-help rituals and their important influence on our daily lives.
Discover the power of candles rituals: a simple guide to heal and improve your life

Step-by-step tutorial on how to prepare meaningful candle rituals that can help you with your personal and spiritual growth.
The Seven Phases of Spiritual Awakening: Beyond Common Myths

Discover the seven phases of the spiritual awakening of human beings. A path of self-knowledge and transformation of your soul.
What is needed to develop spirituality?

There are several aspects that must be taken into account to be able to develop spirituality within oneself. Discover them and develop it now.
What does self-knowledge mean?

If we had to make a synthesis we would say that self-knowledge is the act of seeing yourself as you are, without deception or excuses, accepting yourself even if you do not like yourself. Knowing yourself in all senses, the positive and the negative. What a man or woman will do with this information will […]
How to socialize? Best Book

It is undeniable that human beings need to communicate and share. We are not designed to live in complete solitude, and yet loneliness is a growing reality in our modern society. There is no universal manual that tells us exactly how to socialize at all times, but there is knowledge and perspectives that help us […]
What is the Objective of Who am I?

The goal of the human being, whether man or woman as an individual, must be contextualized with their characteristics.

Self-knowledge can be a long road of suffering through learning from our mistakes and successes. Being able to see ourselves judging our actions with objectivity beyond the criticisms and opinions that surround us. But to reach that point we must have a state of mind of deep balance and peace. However, in some people self-knowledge […]