Margarita Arnal Moscardó

How to know yourself with books?

conocerse uno mismo con la ayuda de los libros

For the complete understanding of knowing yourself, you must be clear about the search parameter, that is, mental, emotional-physical and spiritual level. Although together they make up a whole, the great search for self-knowledge goes a long way through various processes of existential crises that are accompanied by painful real-life experiences that confront us with […]


Libros del Tarot

For the student of the subject, it can be somewhat difficult to start the learning process if you are not clear about where to begin and what to consider. The books on Tarot that correspond to authors known as classics in the esoteric world are an inexhaustible source of knowledge. But at the same time, […]

What are motivational books?

They are those books that motivate us by providing tools to apply in our lives in the pursuit of happiness. Although they are included in the books of personal improvement, I want to explain that the personal improvement of social type is where the motivational books are found, but not necessarily those that go beyond […]

What books should be read in life?

Undoubtedly all those books that are the origin of our civilization and are the fundamental basis of all religions. In fact, all the sacred books of the first civilizations are fundamental to understand who is the human being? Nowadays, self-help and spiritual books should be read and Irecommend “The Chosen Ones” because this work alludes […]

Which books are worth reading?

All those books that provide you with answers to your existential questions are worth reading. All those books that allow you to evade your mind and to be able to rest from your disproportionate level of vital anguish, should be read. All those books that give you tools for your practical life, should be read. […]

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