This is a term used to indicate that there is an extraordinary affinity between two people and that produces an irrepressible love that cannot be stopped. There is an explanation that you have met the same person in different lives, but it is a very poor explanation given that if it were supposedly true, the level of experiences of each individual would not necessarily be the same and therefore their evolution would not necessarily be the same. That doesn’t explain the affinity, although it could explain the exhilaration of meeting someone for the first time and the feeling that you already know them. In esoteric terms, it can be explained as each one of us being part of a chain of beings that we will unite forming a unit on a higher plane, and a soul mate would be someone very close to you who belongs to your same chain and therefore the spiritual evolution is very similar.
Discover all my books

The chosen ones: Women impossible to forget
Discover the experiences of 3 women, accompany them on the path of spiritual growth, understanding of their own being and their nature.

You, your dog and the horoscope
Understanding your dog’s personality is key to establish a harmonious relationship with them. Identify through the 12 signs of the zodiac the behavior of your dog.

Health, sexuality and reincarnation through the tarot
This work is based on the esoteric and ancestral wisdom of the Tarot, which deciphers, to its symbolic meaning, the necessary tools to obtain answers.

The authentic Spanish deck
The perfect manual to know the Spanish deck, its symbols, and deeper meanings. This book honors post-war women who read letters to help others.

The Egyptian tarot
With this work, the author reveals to us the meaning of the Egyptian Tarot cards and teaches us to use them to know the past, consult the present, and foresee the future.