Margarita Arnal Moscardó

Picture of Margarita Arnal Moscardó
Margarita Arnal Moscardó

The power of rituals: a self-help tool for the modern woman

An analysis of the meaning of rituals and their application in modern life as self-help tools for modern women.
el poder de los rituales para la sociedad moderna
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In today’s fast-paced society, finding moments for self-help and personal well-being can seem challenging, especially for the modern woman balancing multiple roles. In this article, we will explore self-help rituals designed specifically for today’s woman, providing practical and meaningful strategies to improve quality of life.

Previously, we discussed what a ritual is and the difference between sharing it with others or performing it alone. Now, we’ll delve into how these rituals can transform your mental habits, creating a positive and lasting impact on your daily well-being. With concrete examples and detailed steps, we invite you to discover how small changes can lead to big results.

Whether you are looking for mental clarity, emotional balance or simply a moment of peace in your busy schedule, these rituals are designed to be easily incorporated into your routine, adapting to your needs and personal goals.

ejercicios para practicar la meditación

Change mental habits

For a ritual to be effective, it is essential to change our mental habits and visualize positively. The mind cannot entertain contradictory thoughts; that is, you cannot believe and doubt at the same time.

Visualizing positively is essential because negative thoughts can hinder the manifestation of desired results.

The mind is a powerful tool, comparable to a computer that needs to be programmed correctly to function optimally.

Training the mind to project positivity is not an instantaneous process, it requires effort and constant practice.

A practical example is the technique of creative visualization, where one imagines in detail the desired result, feeling the emotions and sensations associated with achieving that goal. Studies such as Tim Blackert and Melvyn RW Hamstra have shown that positive visualization can improve performance in various fields, from sports to business.

In addition, integrating positive affirmations into our daily routine can reprogram our mind toward a more optimistic outlook. Affirmations, repeated consistently, help eliminate limiting beliefs and strengthen self-confidence. An interesting fact is that, according to a Stanford University study, people who practice positive affirmations experience a 25% increase in their levels of self-compassion and resilience.

In summary, changing mental habits is key to the success of any ritual. By visualizing positively and training our mind, we can project our energy effectively and achieve our goals more easily. The mind, being our internal computer, needs to be programmed with thoughts and beliefs that promote growth and personal fulfillment.

poder de los rituales

The power of ritual

The strength of ritual lies in its ability to unite people and channel energies toward a common purpose.

A clear example of this power is found in masonery, a discreet association that has maintained the practice of rituals throughout the centuries.

Despite the perception of secrecy, entering Freemasonry is not excessively complicated; I myself was part of it for several years and can attest to the positive impact of the rituals.

Allow me to share a significant anecdote.

During the Bosnia War, in the midst of the European conflict, female Freemasonry decided to intervene through a ritual known as the “chain of union.” This ritual, a projection of energy focused on peace, managed to bring together Serbian, Croat and Bosnian women in a common effort. These meetings, held in secret, were replicated worldwide.

Surprisingly, after three months of making the binding chain, the war came to an end.

cadena humana rituales

Was it a mere coincidence? The Roegos, in their book Kybalion, postulate that what we call luck is nothing more than a law unknown to man, suggesting that chance does not exist. This experience invites us to reflect on the power of rituals as tools of change and transformation, capable of influencing large-scale events and, perhaps, of revealing laws not yet understood by humanity.

In essence, rituals not only strengthen the bonds between individuals, but can also direct collective energies toward meaningful goals, strengthening our belief in the impact of concerted human action.

Invitation to go deeper

From initiation ceremonies in African tribes, to purification rituals in Native American communities, to ancient meditation traditions in Southeast Asia, rituals have been an ancient force that our planet’s first civilizations learned and perfected over time.

It is not something modern, but an inheritance of wisdom transmitted from generation to generation.

Rituals can vary greatly in their form and purpose. Some are designed to mark important transitions in life, such as rites of passage that celebrate coming of age. Others aim at spiritual connection, such as guided meditations or tea ceremonies in Japanese culture.

Even in modern life, we find rituals in less obvious forms, such as daily routines, that help us structure our time and stay calm in the midst of chaos.

Deeping into these rituals not only connects us with our past, but also offers us valuable tools for the present. Through them, we can find ways to reduce stress, improve our connection with others, and ultimately enrich our lives with purpose and meaning.

Bibliography and links of interest

Tim Blackert y Melvin RW Hamstra (2016) “Imagining Success: Multiple Achievement Goals and the Effectiveness of Imagery”, National Library of Medicine, in

John R. Lampe (2025) “Bosnian war”, in

Wikipedia (2025) “Kybalión”, in

Mindvalley (2017) “The Power of Creative Visualization | Vishen Lakhiani”, in

The Honest Guys (2012) “Guided Meditation – Blissful Deep Relaxation”, in

Mujeres imposibles de olvidar
todo lo necesario para desarrollar la espiritualidad
Margarita Arnal Moscardó

What is needed to develop spirituality?

There are several aspects that must be taken into account to be able to develop spirituality within oneself. Discover them and develop it now.

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