Margarita Arnal Moscardó

Personal development

Every time a human being tries to improve and better any ability, they are making a personal development, be it physically, mentally, or emotionally. It must be explained that this term is used in the field of spirituality to indicate that you are learning the inner strength to enhance your senses and connect with the universe, understanding the reason for your life. This term is also used in learning how to manage your emotions, getting to know yourself and feeling better about yourself. But the next phase is usually the spiritual search for the reason for your existence. The ability of the human being to seek changes and make decisions in the search for their happiness is already a personal development in itself, if the tools that are used are the logic of common sense, intuition, good advice from someone or from a book, or the sum of all of these is not important, the important thing is to move forward, and that is personal development.

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