Margarita Arnal Moscardó

Origin of Humanity

Is the story they tell us of the origin of humanity real?

We have been told that the Earth suffered differently from being inhabited by extinct animals until the human being emerged, and with evolution came homo-sapiens. That is the established story, but not the real one.

They are not capable of explaining the evolutionary change of homo sapiens in the last 150,000 years, it simply does not add up. After the latest studies of the genetic code, they have found that we have a gene that shortens our lives as an express fact, and if that gene did not exist, we would live to around 50,000 years, which is exactly what the Sumerian stone tablets recount when they explain the origin of humanity.

They should read their translations through Zecharia Sitchin’s books. He has also found very old papyri that reveal the intervention of the so-called gods in our humanity, practically the same as the ancient Sumerians.

We can deny the evidence, but the entire planet is littered with ancient monuments thousands of years old dedicated to beings called gods who came to help us. Even the Bible talks about the gods who joined human women, procreating children who lived thousands of years. Do you remember Methuselah? Being the product of an express genetic mutation at the hands of more technologically advanced beings is not so serious, if religion had a place to be located. There is a reality and it is that the first civilizations were very advanced and they stop being so when they leave them, although with the promise that they will return. 

Origin of humanity with Egypt as a point of view

If you travel to Egypt, you will realize that the older a temple is, the more perfect it is and as they advance chronologically through the history of the pharaohs, their temples and mastery of architecture is much more mediocre. It doesn’t make sense, but that’s how it is. Every time I hear the story of the transport of stones of four and six tons through the Nile River in sycamore boats, which is a light wood, to build the great pyramids, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. When they talk about the workers, I do not deny their existence. That they built the pyramids in record time there is a fundamental problem: there was not enough population at that time to build the great pyramids in the timescale they say, and if the ancient Egyptians had something it was an exceptional census. They recorded deaths, as well as the birth of children. Then they tell us that the images sculpted in basalt or diorite were made with a copper mallet and chisel and it turns out that they tried to do it with a laser and it was not so perfect due to the hardness of the stones.

Not to mention the mathematical knowledge that they demonstrated, and that is implemented in the great pyramid of Cheops and other temples. Well, there are many lies that are told in order to not explain the truth of our origins. Fortunately, many researchers have published their conclusions using current technological tools. By luck, Egypt has preserved its secrets under the sand of the desert, now they only need to tell us the truth officially.

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