Margarita Arnal Moscardó


Occultism is that which is hidden from the majority. In the 14th century, this was alchemy, cabal, magic, astrology, astronomy, necromancy, and all of the art of divination. At that time, they were looking for answers as to reasons of the universe, and as it was also dangerous, they had to hide. They very secretly grouped together, then when everything could be more informative (and I publish much of this knowledge), they stopped being hidden, while others were lost or were in the hands of a few. There are famous occultists like priest Eliphas Levi (1810) or Gerard Encausse better known as Dr Papus (1865) who founded the Martinist order, who had access to a large number of volumes that had each been copied by hand from very old texts, some belonging to the famous Library of Alexandria that burned down. Additionally, the monk Anastasius Kircher, although a priest from 1602, contributed very controversial books which, according to him, were from the Alexandria library. He was also the inventor of the magnetic clock and other gadgets ahead of his time.

Although not all occultists have had a good reputation, one of the most famous, Aleister Crowley, known as the black magician (1875), still has followers. Occultism today is booming, since there are secrets not revealed to humanity in general, although they are called state secrets, and prison at the very least is the punishment for those who dare to break this rule.

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