Margarita Arnal Moscardó

Initiation rituals

A ritual is a set of symbols that express hidden, esoteric knowledge. It is at the initiation where the meaning of these symbols is revealed, making the person become part of a community that ranges from discreet to secret. Only those deserving to be part of that community have the initiation, in which it is intended that the energies of the cosmos (electromagnetic energy), and the earth (telluric waves) communicate to provide the initiate with a superior force that will help them to evolve in life and understand the reason for their existence.

If we take the Catholic Church as an example, with the ritual of baptism, a set of knowledge is expressed where the Bible is its sacred book, and some explicit prayer words are formulated for that act where the child is admitted to the kingdom of God, so that their soul can be saved. Although we are almost automatically accustomed to this act, the in-depth analysis of it as an initiation, although the ritual has lost much of its original pattern, the magic words in Latin, frankincense and myrrh, etc., all had deep meaning, that the father (priest) knew and the people who attended did not.

That is why many rituals have ceased to be used because the vast majority do not understand their meaning and tend to ridicule what is not understood, thus losing the opportunity to receive a real initiation that undoubtedly helps to evolve in consciousness.

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