Margarita Arnal Moscardó

Picture of Margarita Arnal Moscardó
Margarita Arnal Moscardó

How to start with personal development?

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Personal development aims to help you overcome your fears and achieve happiness through a change of mentality. This is the simplified explanation. It used to be said that to overcome fears and limitations you had to go to therapy, different forms of therapy are now given other names. N.L.P. -(neurolinguistic programming). Emotional intelligence course. Course of prosperity and abundance, all are useful, although not all will have the same impact on your life, it will depend on what you need to change more. You are a seeker, so go ahead and don’t stop, you must learn everything to stay later with what you really need, but to not give so many stumbles I advise you to read about each technique and so go directly to the course that is most useful to you and then you will be prepared to understand the books of spiritual language, because a personal development outside of spirituality is impossible. Read “The Chosen Ones” if you understand it in all its depth, then you don’t need to do any personal development course, but if you read it and it entertains you, you glimpse messages but others you don’t understand and even contradict them, then you should do personal development courses or read all the many books that talk about it. Good luck, you will succeed.

Mujeres imposibles de olvidar
conocerse uno mismo con la ayuda de los libros
Margarita Arnal Moscardó

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Margarita Arnal Moscardó

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