Margarita Arnal Moscardó

Picture of Margarita Arnal Moscardó
Margarita Arnal Moscardó

How to improve personal and spiritual growth?

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Life is complex, the circumstances of each one of us add up. There is no single manual, there are hundreds of them and not all of them are equally useful. Undoubtedly, attitude is fundamental to improve. If you are able to change and make changes in your life. If you want to locate your fears and eradicate them. Dare to launch yourself to new experiences that
mean a new option in your life. This is the basis that will lead you to improve. Spirituality is not related to religion, but to the values that make our humanity is above personal selfishness and thus it is not necessary to dedicate your life to help humanity only. Thinking, reflecting, acting with conscience is the basis of spirituality. Connecting with your consciousness often either through prayer, mantra or meditation is a spiritual way forward, but if this is not accompanied by all of the above, I am afraid it will only be an illusion.

The books will help you but then it will have to be you as a human being, the owner of your destiny, who will have to take action. Finding the meaning of your existence is your challenge, you will be able to feel inner fulfillment if you search for answers and find your channel to connect with your consciousness and it will not be through a teacher, you will have to take the reins and be your own guru. The Chosen Ones is a work that explains very well all this process and that I recommend if you want to advance in your path of personal and spiritual growth, you must read beyond the stories, analyze all the steps of the protagonists, how they face pain, loss, love and transcend, how they find out the purpose of their existence and of humanity in the world. You should try to establish in each of the initiations that are related where you are and if you do all this, this book will bring you many answers and probably many questions that will be worth investigating.

I wish you the best in your path of improvement.

Mujeres imposibles de olvidar
todo lo necesario para desarrollar la espiritualidad
Margarita Arnal Moscardó

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