The reflection of our actions is the previous basis to be a better human being. It helps you to be able to evaluate the scope of your actions in future situations before they happen. This is the only way to avoid making errors of judgment. Although we should not consider error in the catastrophic sense of destruction, but that at that moment we did not know how to do it better. Reflection and our ability to exercise it may be limited if impulsivity or fear are deeply rooted in our personality, in which case, it will be necessary to work on our emotions so that they do not interfere in the deep reflection and self-criticism of our actions with a constructive purpose. I could tell you, my reader friend, that meditation and chakra techniques are your solution, but I would be misleading you. Meditation works when reflection and self-criticism have taken place. If we talk about a relaxation that balances serotonin levels and helps you to lower stress, then yes, but if you want an improvement as a human being, you must be able to see yourself as you are in order to visualize and project in your mind and soul who you want to become, that is why spiritual books can help you to have mental clarity, they can give you many clues about what you need to see and delve into yourself. But if you don’t make the decision to move forward, no one can make the choices for you, it is part of existing and being. There are several books that can help you, in the work The Chosen Ones you can see how three protagonists move forward and face their pain and loss and how they overcome and overcome…

Which books are worth reading?
All those books that provide you with answers to your existential questions are worth reading. All those books that allow you to evade your mind and to be able to