Margarita Arnal Moscardó

Picture of Margarita Arnal Moscardó
Margarita Arnal Moscardó

Historical predictions through tarot and astrology

profetas y predicciones históricas
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Throughout the centuries, the art of foreseeing the future has fascinated humanity, manifesting itself most notably in the practices of astrology and tarot.

From the times of ancient Greece, where oracles and diviners were central figures in important decision-making, to the mystics of today, these disciplines have served as tools for understanding the unknown.

These prophets, with their predictions, have not only left an indelible mark on history but have also influenced culture and society. The chronicles of their visions, some of which have been surprisingly fulfilled, continue to be the subject of study and admiration, offering a bridge between the present and the eternal human concerns about what is to come.

The origins in ancient Greece

The journey to understanding the future takes us back to ancient Greece, where the Oracle of Delphi stood as a center of wisdom and prophecy. This iconic site was home to the Sibyls, visionary women who offered predictions and advice to those seeking divine guidance.

oráculo de Delfos profecías y adivinaciones

Among the most notable cases is that of Solon, the father of Athenian democracy, who in 593 BC is said to have received guidance in the formation of laws that would transform Athens into a more just and participatory society, as well as the creation of the judgments that underpin our judicial system.

Another intriguing story is that of King Croesus of Lydia. When consulting the Sibyls about his desire to wage war, he misinterpreted their advice, leading to his defeat and providing a historical lesson on the importance of accurately understanding prophetic warnings.

These stories not only reflect the relevance of the oracle in the significant decision-making of the time, but also illustrate how interpretations of the predictions could change the course of history. These episodes from antiquity not only highlight the human fascination with the future, but also show how ancient wisdom tangibly influenced the fate of entire nations.

Nostradamus and his accurate predictions

profeta Nostradamus adivino italiano

Nostradamus, whose legacy has spanned centuries, is famous for his predictions that defy rational understanding.

His enigmatically poetic quatrains have been credited with predicting significant events, such as the death of Henry III of France, the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte, and the Great Fire of London in 1666, which he referred to as the “Year of the Three Kings.”

This fire devastated much of the city, claiming more than 13,000 homes and displacing thousands of people. He announced that it would happen in the year of the three 666, and it was in 1666.

However, Nostradamus was not the only prominent prophet of his time.

quien es la vidente madame lenormand

Madame Lenormand, an equally fascinating figure, frequented by influential figures such as Robespierre and Marat, is known for her detailed and accurate predictions.

Lenormand predicted Josephine’s marriage to Napoleon and their subsequent divorce, even predicting her exile and the exact moment of her death.

Her influence endured at the Napoleonic court and beyond, becoming a trusted consultant for the elite of the time.

The accuracy of her predictions and her illustrious clientele cemented her status as one of the most eminent psychics in history, leaving a legacy that invites curiosity and research.

Prophets in more recent times

In more recent times, several prophets have captured public attention with their perceived abilities to foresee future events.

One prominent figure is Jean Dixon, known as “The Capitol Seer,” who gained notoriety after predicting the death of John F. Kennedy. Dixon, despite criticism, has had notable accuracy.

Among her most famous predictions, she warned actress Carole Lombard to avoid flying for a period of six weeks. Lombard, unfortunately, ignored this advice and died in a plane crash.

Another notable name is Noreen Reinhart, who dedicated her life to psychic clairvoyance, offering her assistance to authorities such as the police, CIA, and FBI in the search for missing persons, kidnappings, and murders, including various mysteries such as robberies, etc.

Her practical and collaborative approach to complex cases yielded results that cannot be ignored.

Lydia Clark, for her part, used numerology and tarot as essential tools for her visions, providing an alternative approach to the art of divination.

Likewise, Marilyn Rossner has been a prominent figure, passing scientific tests to validate her abilities and occasionally turning to tarot to deepen her insights.

These figures continue to inspire both fascination and skepticism regarding their prophetic gifts. However, their many proven successes are still present.

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Tarot y su Terminología
Margarita Arnal Moscardó

Tarot and its Terminology

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