Margarita Arnal Moscardó

Health, Sexuality and Reincarnation through the Tarot

Karma, reincarnation, healing, and illness...all the answers you are looking for are in the pages of this book.

Find the answers about the sexuality of the human being

This work was published a few years later than the previous ones, in 1997. It was a logical consequence of the investigations carried out by the author, since she continued looking for answers through the Tarot . The health code, mental and physical. Answers about the sexuality of the human being, so complex and real.

Find out the approximate place where you were born in your previous lives

Reincarnation remained. By researching, I managed to find the codes of natural catastrophes and accidents, too much information not to share. The book contains the codes to analyze Karma , the approximate place where one was born in previous lives. You will also find the meaning of the suits with health , and with each card the level of healing or illness . The precision with which they respond is fascinating. If you want more, this is an essential book.


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