Margarita Arnal Moscardó

Female freemasonry

Regular and irregular Freemasonry

When talking about Freemasonry, there is always an aura of mystery, sometimes with perverse overtones, but the reality is very different. There are two currents in Freemasonry called regular and irregular.

Regular Freemasonry is basically the Anglo-Saxon that follows Andersen’s constitution of 1717. You have to believe in a superior being, swear on the Bible, and not admit non-believers.

The irregulars are French, Belgian and all those that allow atheist members. There is not an obligation to swear on the bible, and political debate is allowed and they also ACCEPT WOMEN.

It is not that the irregulars do not accept them, they do not recognize them, and such backwardness in the middle of the 21st century does not make them less prolific in their charitable works.

Female freemasonry origins

Female freemasonry entered the male lodges as adoptive lodges until its total independence in THE FEMALE GRAND LODGE OF FRANCE. Only women, a large group throughout the world, admit visiting men, for to them they are brothers. A collective that currently has more than 15,000 women around the world that has generously opened its doors for them to be independent in other countries such as the Women’s Grand Lodge of Spain, a collective currently of approximately 600 women. It is a school of spiritual knowledge where the ritual of the ‘ancient and accepted Scottish Rite’ is practiced. Its three maxims are: freedom, equality, and fraternity.

They believe in a better world and that if you improve yourself as a person, you contribute to improving the world. It has three degrees of apprenticeship: apprentice, companion, and teacher. There are some rules of brotherhood: you must be an honest woman and of good manners. I have a positive memory of my time learning about Freemasonry, its principles and what it means. I just hope that in Spain they are more prudent and do not let everyone in because unprepared people spoil the lodges, in my humble opinion. However, I am and always will be a Freemason, I believe in its philosophy and its knowledge.

When there was the war in the Balkans, freemason women from Bosnia-Serbia-Croatia met in secret to ask for peace in the ritual, and they asked all the lodges in the world to ask for the same thing: peace, and the end of the war. In the so-called chain of union, which is carried out at the end of the meeting with hands intertwined, we asked in a prayer. Three months after doing so, the war ended. The brotherhood of those women when meeting, was above the war itself. The brotherhood, that is the meaning of Freemasonry. Politics, positions of power, intrusions into the UN, and other bodies of economic forums have nothing to do with real Freemasonry. It is that there are a lot of infiltrators who call themselves a freemason, but do not act as such.

Freemasonry is a discreet but not secret school of knowledge with a great history of heroics, which have helped to improve the world.

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