Margarita Arnal Moscardó



Writer and specialist in psychic research and ancient civilizations. 

was born in Barcelona, I always wanted to know if there was life after death. If the future could be changed, if we were free or whatever we did, the end result would be the same. It was not easy, I wanted answers but tangible, it was never worth it to me to be told – it is that it is special and of course it sees things that others do not see -. It’s not a very easy answer.

Everything has an explanation and science has a lot to say and the human being can connect with altered states of consciousness that allow him to travel beyond his physical body and obtain extraordinary information, but we can all be extraordinary, because we are, we are beings of energy. Scientists say that electromagnetic energy is one of the 4 energies that make up the universe and also say that around us there are several dimensions and….. I had to start from the beginning the ancient civilizations and it was not easy, but it was very revealing.

I investigated the brain, because some of us are born with a psyche that makes us very sensitive and others simply do not use radar and I found out that the brain circumambulations of psychics in a specific area of the brain are deeper, that below sea level clairvoyance does not work, while telepathy does…. and much more.

About my self-help, esoteric and tarot novels

Book: The Chosen Ones

The Chosen: Women Impossible to Forget

In this book I wanted to tell the story of three women whose lives are marked by personal growth , their spirituality and the search for their true purpose.

Through their experiences, I explore the path of spiritual evolution, the power of intuition and the importance of making brave decisions. I face transcendental questions such as destiny, life after death and what evolution itself is.

It is a novel that talks about transformation, enjoying life and finding answers within ourselves. Where love and heartbreak are part of her life, of anyone’s life, whatever their circumstances.

Each of these women has a destiny intertwined with mystery and transcendence, and my intention is that the reader feels part of their journey, and gets answers that help them in their life.

Book: You, your dog and the horoscope

Your Dog, You, and the Zodiac

As an animal lover and passionate about astrology, I wanted to unite these two worlds in this book.

That’s why I did an in-depth study on canine behavior and its zodiac sign. This book is the result.

Here I explain how your dog’s zodiac sign influences its character, behavior, and relationship with you.

Each sign has particularities that can help you better understand your pet and strengthen your bond.

My intention with this book is for people to learn to connect more deeply with their dogs, understanding their needs and peculiarities in a fun and different way.

The Great Book of Tarot

Tarot has been a tool for self-knowledge and guidance since time immemorial. In this book, I explore its origins, its symbolism, and the most effective methods for interpreting the cards.

It’s not just about predicting the future, but about understanding the present and making decisions more clearly.

I have compiled my knowledge and experiences so that anyone, both beginners and advanced, can learn to read tarot and apply its teachings in their daily lives. I have based myself on ancient treatises that give value to the esoteric meaning, which will make your prediction more accurate, and you will find values ​​different from most published books that use the exoteric value.

I chose the esoteric meaning to delve deeper into future predictions and the events themselves, to be able to find out the time of the event more precisely.

There is a big difference in precision. If you want to explore the predictive method of past, present and future, the Great Book of Tarot is your book.

egyptian book of tarot wrote by Margarita Arnal Moscardo

The Egyptian Tarot

“Since I discovered the Egyptian tarot, I was fascinated by its depth and symbolic richness.”

In this book, I explain the meaning of each card and how to use them to understand the past, present and future.

But beyond that, the Egyptian tarot is a tool for spiritual evolution, a way to connect with ancestral wisdom and with our own being.

Through its cards, we can discover answers and find our way with greater clarity. It is a source of inspiration to delve into other realities.

They serve to connect with the universe and obtain answers that go beyond feeling well-being, it is a path that helps spiritual evolution by meditating with these cards, and their meaning.

I had the honor of having my Egyptian tarot collection exhibited at the Stuttgart Museum, a recognition that fills me with pride and that demonstrates the historical and cultural relevance of these cards. Through this book, I want to share everything I have learned about their symbolism and application, so that more people can benefit from their knowledge and use it as a guide in their lives.

Health, Sexuality and Reincarnation through Tarot

Tarot is not only used to answer superficial questions; it is a reflection of our soul and our life path.

In this book, I delve into fundamental aspects of our existence such as health, sexuality and reincarnation, using tarot as a guide.

If you are a Tarot scholar you will need this book to delve into topics such as accidents, catastrophes, conflicts and traumas. This book goes beyond the typical books on Tarot, it is the master to close the puzzle.

I explain how the cards can reveal hidden patterns in our lives and how to interpret their messages to better understand our essence.

This book is for those who seek answers beyond the obvious and wish to explore their spiritual dimension and worldly events and no less important to reach spirituality, with the tarot as a tool.

The Authentic Spanish Deck

The Spanish deck is much more than just a simple card game.

In this book, I reveal its secrets and symbolism, explaining how it can be used with the Queens primarily for divination and introspection.

I wanted to pay tribute to the women of the post-war period, who used these cards not only to play, but also as a way to seek guidance in difficult times.

The Queens were suppressed in a vain attempt to silence the symbolic representation of women. A Spanish deck found in the Vitoria playing card museum from 1929 that was used in post-war Spain in secret because it was prohibited.

This book is a tribute to that popular wisdom and the magic that these cards contain, so ours and so full of history.

Professional career

I was born in Barcelona in 1961. I studied conventional psychology at the U.A.B. and not so conventional parapsychology in Germany and California. I wanted to learn and train with the best of the moment in the entire paranormal field. At the age of 24, I began my professional career, devoting all my time to it, and my work and research becoming a large part of my life.

Throughout my career, I have had the privilege of sharing my knowledge and experiences in various conferences and interviews. For me, these spaces are an invaluable opportunity to connect with the public, answer questions and open dialogue on topics that I am deeply passionate about, such as tarot, spirituality, philosophy and the paranormal world.

My interviews, both in print media and on radio and television programs, have allowed me to speak more closely and directly about my books, my research and my beliefs. I have been able to address issues that go beyond theory, sharing how these practices have impacted my personal life and how they can transform the lives of others.

My approach to these talks and meetings has always been the same: offering useful and valuable information for personal growth, while maintaining an openness to new ideas and always inviting reflection. Questions from the audience, shared experiences, and the exchange of knowledge are an essential part of this process, because I believe that we all have something unique to contribute.

If you ever have the opportunity to attend one of my conferences or hear me in an interview, it will be a pleasure to share this space with you. My goal is always to leave a seed of wisdom that, over time, can blossom into new ways of seeing life and the universe.

Professional career

Since 1984, I have traveled around the Balearic Islands, offering courses and consultations that have allowed me to bring my knowledge to the public. During that time, I also had the honor of being interviewed by journalist Tino Pons for Diario Menorca, an important media outlet on the island, in which I shared my thoughts and experiences.

My relationship with tarot began professionally with the first edition of my book Tarot Egipcio, published in 1989 by Plaza y Janés, a publishing house acquired at that time by the Bertelsmann Group. It was a fundamental step in my career, which was accompanied by the publication of the Cartas del Tarot Egipcio in 1989 by Naipes Comas. Today, both the book and the cards are distributed by Editorial Obelisco.

A very special recognition was the incorporation of my cards into the Stuttgart Playing Card Museum, since November 1989, which marked a milestone in my career.

exposición de tarot en Stuttgart Naipes de Margarita Arnal Moscardó
colección cartas tarot egipcio

I also had the opportunity to direct a fascinating project in Madrid, where I advised a group of actors to create a parapsychological tarot. This tarot, based on the representation of the 22 Major Arcana with human figures, was very effective, although its commercialization under the name “Tarot de Madrid” was not possible in Barcelona due to lack of acceptance.

In 1988, I was asked to help complete a tarot dating from 1732, one of the oldest in Europe, which was in the Museum of Playing Cards in Vitoria. This project was an incredible challenge that inspired my next work, Practical Treatise on Tarot, later renamed The Great Book of Tarot, a work that has become an essential classic in its genre.

Over the years, I have had the privilege of participating in multiple television and radio programs, such as Dos en Raya on TVE, alongside historian Julio Caro Baroja in 1984, and I have been interviewed on stations such as Radio-4, COPE, Catalunya Radio, and Radio Barcelona, among others. I have had the opportunity to direct radio programs, such as Radio Comisiones Obreras in 1991 and Radio-Pomar de Badalona in 2007.

One ​​of the most significant moments of my career was in 1991, when the Generalitat of Catalonia asked me to appear on TV3 in the news to calm the population during the Gulf War. In that program, I made a prediction about the end of the war, “it will end at the end of February” which came true exactly on February 28, 1991.

My contributions have also been reflected in interviews in renowned magazines, such as Más Allá and Año Cero, and I have participated in conferences on tarot in various cities such as the Basque Country, Huesca, and Barcelona. In 2012 and 2013, I had the privilege of being part of the Tarot Conference in Barcelona, supporting those who were starting out in this discipline. I also participated in the 7th Tarot Congress in Madrid.

Many of my conferences are available on YouTube, and I have continued to participate in conferences, talks and events, always spreading the knowledge and culture of these topics that I am so passionate about.

Today, I continue to share my knowledge on social networks, such as TikTok, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, where I make videos about tarot, spirituality and self-knowledge. I am committed to spreading this wisdom in an accessible and close way, so that more and more people can discover and delve into these topics.

About my website

I have always believed that knowledge is a bridge to personal transformation. That is why I created this website, a place to share my passion for tarot, self-help, spirituality, the paranormal worldand philosophy. Here you will find information about my books, my research, and my research data and vision on these topics, with the purpose of inspiring those who, like me, seek answers beyond the obvious.

But beyond being a simple information page, this site is a meeting point for those who want to explore the unknown, connect with their intuition and expand their way of seeing the world. In my blog, I dedicate myself to delving into these topics, approaching them from different perspectives: from the analysis of the tarot and its application in everyday life, to reflections on mystery, reincarnation, the power of thought and the teachings of great philosophers.

If you have ever wondered what lies beyond what we perceive with the senses, if you are curious about the hidden symbolism in the cards, the true origin of humanity, the truth about the first civilizations or simply want tools to grow on a personal and spiritual level, this is your space.

I invite you to explore, learn and share, because I firmly believe that knowledge is light, and light is made to expand. I await you.

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