This is a knowledge reserved for the few. It is very difficult to know because it is usually in code which can be a secret code. An arcana exists because a human group decided it, or because a divine situation created it. The secrets end up being arcana in our days, like the famous “Area 51”, where an aura of mystery and speculation has been created. The Arcana of the Tarot, attributed to the same Egyptian God Thoth, would be of divine origin.
Currently we can say that all those enigmas that have not yet been deciphered, are arcana, such as the disappearance of ships in the Bermuda triangle. Very old books that have been passed down to current times, whose content has not yet been fully deciphered, at least as they have told us, are Arcana.
Discover all my books

The chosen ones: Women impossible to forget
Discover the experiences of 3 women, accompany them on the path of spiritual growth, understanding of their own being and their nature.

You, your dog and the horoscope
Understanding your dog’s personality is key to establish a harmonious relationship with them. Identify through the 12 signs of the zodiac the behavior of your dog.

Health, sexuality and reincarnation through the tarot
This work is based on the esoteric and ancestral wisdom of the Tarot, which deciphers, to its symbolic meaning, the necessary tools to obtain answers.

The authentic Spanish deck
The perfect manual to know the Spanish deck, its symbols, and deeper meanings. This book honors post-war women who read letters to help others.

The Egyptian tarot
With this work, the author reveals to us the meaning of the Egyptian Tarot cards and teaches us to use them to know the past, consult the present, and foresee the future.