Margarita Arnal Moscardó

Picture of Margarita Arnal Moscardó
Margarita Arnal Moscardó

What does self-knowledge mean?

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If we had to make a synthesis we would say that self-knowledge is the act of seeing yourself as you are, without deception or excuses, accepting yourself even if you do not like yourself. Knowing yourself in all senses, the positive and the negative. What a man or woman will do with this information will be part of his or her great decision. Evolve? Improving yourself as a person… Avoiding your responsibility, distancing yourself… from the situations that cause you conflict? …. When you know yourself, you can’t run away, you are with your truth and you decide how to handle it. In a mental way, looking for practical solutions that don’t bother you… looking for spiritual solutions that most people won’t understand… Or merging both parameters and finding a balanced and happy life, changing what can be changed, accepting what does not depend on us and focusing our energy towards what really motivates us, although the search for that motivation is already a challenge in itself.

The book “The Chosen Ones” is a clear example of spiritual overcoming, of searching for answers, of experiencing pain, rage, impotence and love to finally choose to transcend. Its reading will not leave you indifferent, the messages of the goddesses and their deep meaning open the mind and soul to a higher level of consciousness.

Mujeres imposibles de olvidar
conocerse uno mismo con la ayuda de los libros
Margarita Arnal Moscardó

How to know yourself with books?

For the complete understanding of knowing yourself, you must be clear about the search parameter, that is, mental, emotional-physical and spiritual level. Although together they make up a whole, the

Margarita Arnal Moscardó

How to be a better human being?

The reflection of our actions is the previous basis to be a better human being. It helps you to be able to evaluate the scope of your actions in future

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