Margarita Arnal Moscardó

Picture of Margarita Arnal Moscardó
Margarita Arnal Moscardó

The hidden and spiritual meaning of dreams

Discover what lies beyond dreams and their interpretations. Unravel the secrets behind dreams you've never been told.
significado de los sueños y espiritualidad
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Dreams have been interpreted in various ways throughout history. We have been told that they are a manifestation of our daily tensions, a way to release accumulated stress and frustrations.

Some authors such as Edgard Allan Poe, Antonio Machado and Paulo Coelho wrote many interpretations of the meaning of dreams and their importance in the realm of spirituality and our outlook on life. However, there are still many unknowns, given that authors such as the famous Sigmund Freud have already conducted extensive studies on the meaning of dreams and their impact on the individual’s psyche.

And while this is true, there are also other types of dreams that go further and have a spiritual and hidden meaning.

Dreams in the Alpha State: Messages from the Universe

el cerebro y la interpretación de sueños

There is a special state in which our brain emits alpha waves, a point between sleep and wakefulness. In this state, our vital functions decline and our body temperature drops dramatically.

This is where dreams with profound messages, coming from the universe and directed exclusively at us, can manifest.

Some people call them premonitory dreams, as they are full of symbols that warn us about future events.

They can alert us to situations we should prevent or prepare to face.

In addition, sometimes these dreams can include vivid encounters with loved ones who have already passed away, reinforcing the idea that the connection between the physical and spiritual worlds remains.

Since ancient times, dreams have been considered a means of communication with the beyond. In many cultures, shamans interpreted dreams to obtain answers and spiritual guidance. This ability to receive messages is still part of the human condition and reminds us that we are more than finite beings with a single existence.

Symbolism in dreams

Every dream is filled with symbols that can help us decipher its meaning. Some of the most common are:

soñar con agua significado


It represents emotional peace. Immersing yourself in water indicates a state of liberation, while a choppy sea can reflect internal conflict or emotional stress.

soñar con libros significado

Rectangular shapes

They signal future events. An open door can represent new opportunities, while a closed one symbolizes obstacles.

Stairs or elevators

If they rise, they symbolize positive new events or personal growth; if they fall, they can indicate problems or emotional decline.

significado de soñar colores


Each color has its own meaning. For example, blue often represents tranquility and spirituality, red can symbolize passion or warning, and black is associated with mystery or the unknown.

significado soñar con un coche


If you're driving, you're in control of your life; if you're a passenger, you're in the hands of fate. A car without brakes can indicate a lack of control in a situation in your life.

significado soñar con delfines


They are signs of good news, intelligence, and harmony. They can also symbolize a connection to the spiritual or a need for communication.

soñar con serpientes


They often symbolize transformation, change, or warning. Depending on the context of the dream, they can represent betrayal, wisdom, or regeneration.

Learn to Interpret Your Dreams

Keeping a dream journal is an excellent way to begin analyzing your dream meaning.

The universe communicates with you through your spiritual energy, sending you valuable messages.

Although some may think this has no scientific basis,the truth is that alpha waves exist and there are countless stories of people whose premonitory dreams came true.

If you wish to delve deeper into this fascinating world, I invite you to visit the “Women and Spirituality” section where you will find information on symbology and dreams also in the terminology section.

Also, in In my Tarot books, you’ll find many meanings that can help you on your journey of dream interpretation.

Let’s talk and explore the mystery of dreams together!

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