Margarita Arnal Moscardó

Picture of Margarita Arnal Moscardó
Margarita Arnal Moscardó

They discover a secret tunnel in the Cheops pyramid: Revelations

The discovery of a secret tunnel in the Pyramid of Cheops has unraveled new mysteries and enigmas for all scientists in the world.
Descubrimiento de un túnel secreto en la pirámide de Keops en Egipto
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The Great Pyramid attributed to Pharaoh Khufu, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, remains one of humanity’s greatest enigmas. For centuries, we have tried to understand its construction, its secrets and, above all, the purpose behind its imposing structure. However, in recent years, research has yielded new discoveries that could change everything we thought we knew about this monument.

Although the data they provide us is very scarce and it is all speculation.

pirámide del faraón Keops

One of the most intriguing discoveries today is the existence of a secret tunnel in the Great Pyramid of Cheops. Thanks to advanced technologies and the efforts of an international team of scientists and archaeologists, it has been possible to detect a hidden passage that could reveal secrets about the construction of the pyramid and its relationship with the burial chamber of Cheops if the order to build it and not restore it, many scientists defend.

What does this discovery mean for history?

What could this hidden tunnel hide that would change our understanding of ancient Egypt?

The investigation behind the secret tunnel

The ScanPyramids project, which began in 2015, is led by an international team of experts with the support of the Ministry of Egyptian Antiquities.

This ambitious project aims to explore the pyramids without damaging them, using non-invasive technologies such as infrared thermography, 3D simulations and cosmic rays called muons. These tools have allowed researchers to see through the stones and detect hidden voids without drilling a single hole in the structures, allowing them to make impressive progress.

One of the first major discoveries occurred in 2017, when scientists detected a 30-meter-long corridor inside the Great Pyramid. Although its purpose was initially unknown, it was concluded thatthis passageway could have been designed to distribute the weight of the pyramid more efficiently. But if they entered inside and found something or nothing, we do not know.

This finding sparked a lot of debate and speculation, but what has really left the scientific community intrigued is the recent discovery of a new secret tunnel in 2025

The secret 9 meter tunnel

In 2025, researchers reported finding a 9-meter-long and 2-meter-wide tunnel inside the pyramid. Unlike the 30-meter passage, this tunnel could have a deeper and possibly more symbolic purpose.

The location and size of the tunnel suggest that it could have been designed to provide access to an unknown section of the pyramid, they speculate that possibly near the funerary chamber of Cheops, which has always been the center of attention for the official scientific community, but everyone’s belief is that it could still contain secrets not disclosed.

It is speculated that this tunnel could be related to funerary rituals or the pyramid construction process. Officially “The Great Pyramid” was built in honor of Pharaoh Cheops, and its purpose has always been the subject of speculation, his mummy was never found, nor any engraving on the pyramid that maintained that Cheops was the builder and the pyramid was his funerary tomb.

What was found was the papyrus of meter that speaks of 200 workers and the transport of stones to the Great Pyramid, for the officials it is proof that Cheops was its builder.

Many pharaohs restored temples and made new ones, for this and other scientific advances such as the position of the 3 pyramids of Giza and the sphinx coincide with the position of Orion 10,500 years ago and the geological results of the sphinx whose age is around these same dates at least in its lower part.

The enigma of the pyramid builders

One of the greatest mysteries of the Great Pyramid is who built it and how they did it. Although the pyramids have been the subject of exhaustive research for centuries, a conclusive answer to these questions has never been found.

The most accepted theory is that thousands of workers, many of them specialized craftsmen, built the pyramid during the reign of Khufu, using techniques that we still do not fully understand, since at that time they do not seem to have known means for its construction.

como se construye una pirámide

There is a theory that the pyramid could have been restored or modified by a later pharaoh. This premise has gained ground in recent years, especially after clues were discovered suggesting that some Egyptian pharaohs did not build their own pyramids, but rather restored and modified existing structures.

The discovery of mysterious doors in 1993

his is not the first fascinating find related to hidden passageways in the Great Pyramid. In 1993, German Rudolf Gantenbrink introduced a small robot into the pyramid’s ventilation shafts.

The robot traveled 65 meters through these conduits before encountering a door sealed with metal bolts that, over time, had melted.

Later they conveniently said that the bolts were copper. Behind this door, researchers discovered a second door separated by just 18 centimeters.

This discovery generated a great deal of speculation, but subsequent investigations failed to reveal what was behind those doors. Although new research using non-invasive technologies was announced in 2015, some of these findings have not yet received the attention they deserve.

In 2017, another 30-meter-long tank was found. After a great stir, they told us that it only served to contain the construction.

However, the new tunnel discovered in 2025 could finally provide answers to these unresolved questions. We will have to wait.

If you are passionate about the topic of the Great Pyramid and the secrets of ancient Egypt, I invite you to continue exploring more on my blog, where I continue to delve deeper into these historical enigmas. Furthermore, in my book The Chosen Ones, you can discover more about the Egyptian gods and their influence on humanity. I didn’t write it as a fantasy, I based it on years of research.

Mujeres imposibles de olvidar
Mitología Egipcia
Margarita Arnal Moscardó

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