Margarita Arnal Moscardó

Picture of Margarita Arnal Moscardó
Margarita Arnal Moscardó

How to know yourself with books?

conocerse uno mismo con la ayuda de los libros
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For the complete understanding of knowing yourself, you must be clear about the search parameter, that is, mental, emotional-physical and spiritual level. Although together they make up a whole, the great search for self-knowledge goes a long way through various processes of existential crises that are accompanied by painful real-life experiences that confront us with decisions and uncertainties that put us to the test.

That is why there are many very useful books for the searcher. If what you face is a mental process of decisions that require putting aside emotions for your own survival, books that manage life anguish and stress will be very useful.

libros de autoayuda y crecimiento personal para conocerse a si mismo

How to know yourself with search and purpose

As we grow, many of our masks and/or characters fall and with it new identities appear that crumble the mental status quo that was built by a belief system self-imposed by our social, cultural or family context.

The absence of having a defined purpose often involves a constant rethinking of the meaning of life and especially of our mission and legacy in the world. Searching for answers is a constant exercise of the human being, not only to understand its nature but also to understand the world.

entender el significado de la vida crecimiento espiritual

If what you need is to get answers to why you exist? Is my life right? Am I really happy? Is there an end or is there a continuity of life on another plane? Are we reborn again with reincarnation? Can the future be changed or is everything predetermined?….

Then you need spiritual context books, these will give you answers and every time you read them you will have new answers, it will be directly proportional to your advancement of consciousness.

Recommended books to know yourself

There are few books of this level, “The Chosen Ones” is one of them, each time you read it you get more answers about your own existence and even more about the human race.

The origin and the end, the concept of the existential principle of evolution that leads us to another plane of consciousness at the same time as existence. Without a doubt, this book contains great answers to great questions that transgress the elemental principle of the self to become we are.

Below you will find a series of recommended books to help you in this internal search:

The power of now” – Eckhart Tolle

This book explores the importance of living in the present and how the mind traps us in thoughts that generate suffering. Tolle offers tools to overcome anxiety and find inner peace through present moment awareness.

“The four agreements” – Miguel Ruiz Macías

Based on Toltec wisdom, this book presents four principles to improve our lives: be impeccable with our words, don’t take anything personally, don’t make assumptions, and always do our best. They are simple but transformative rules.

“Man’s Search for Meaning” – Viktor E. Frankl

Based on the author’s experience in Nazi concentration camps, Frankl explains how to find meaning in suffering and the importance of having a purpose in life. His approach combines psychology and spirituality for human resilience.

“Bhagavad Gita”

Sacred Hindu text that records the dialogue between prince Arjuna and the god Krishna in the middle of a battle. It is a key work of Hinduism and deals with duty, devotion and the nature of the soul, offering teachings on self-knowledge and enlightenment.

Mujeres imposibles de olvidar
Margarita Arnal Moscardó

Why read a self-help book?

This is a short answer, here it goes, -because we need to know who we are and connect with our conscience to maintain a guide of control and freedom of

todo lo necesario para desarrollar la espiritualidad
Margarita Arnal Moscardó

What is needed to develop spirituality?

There are several aspects that must be taken into account to be able to develop spirituality within oneself. Discover them and develop it now.

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