Margarita Arnal Moscardó

Picture of Margarita Arnal Moscardó
Margarita Arnal Moscardó

What is the Objective of Who am I?

The goal of the human being, whether man or woman as an individual, must be contextualized with their characteristics.
entender quién es uno mismo a través del autodescubrimiento
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The objective of who the human being, man or woman, is as an individual must be contextualized in the place where they live, their options, the beings that are part of their life, etc. Because while it is true that reach self-knowledge of Who are we?, as an identity being of a society and culture, although it is not an easy task, it is possible, in the majority of beings. Getting to the goal of Who am I? or the equivalent of What is the purpose of my existence?…

These questions usually involve existential crises that can dismantle the world as we know it. As we evolve, we fall into the paradigm of letting ourselves be carried away by our most deeply rooted beliefs or even intuitions. However, to go further you must question whether you truly know your role in the universe.

Behind a question that only you can answer

Having a purpose or reason for being is vital for every living being, far from the social or animal panorama we need to seek connections with ourselves, whether through introspection, philosophy or meditation, there are many ways to find one or at least make an attempt.

Surely within yourself you can find the answer but not everyone is prepared to take the step, knowing what you have to do is different from what you have to do and sometimes it is not enough or sufficient to have a sufficiently accurate idea.

Setting a life goal is not like choosing a job, a partner, a car or a plan, it is about defining a purpose and many times it can be a journey that requires sacrifices or even going into your dark interior room, where everything that you are afraid of or repulsed is hidden, as Jung would say know your shadow.

conocer el propósito de nuestra existencia

Your shadow, or rather your shadows, are each of the personalities of your psyche that you carry consciously or unconsciously. Far from being a negative manifestation of your subconscious, they are parts of you that follow you or that you have repressed for a long time. Knowing your shadows is a way to rethink your own existence and self-knowledge.

Find answers to who you are

The search for oneself is much more difficult, although it can be discovered if you manage to connect with all your past existences consciously.

Each of us not only carries a genetic legacy but also with wounds and limitations from our ancestors. Many psychologists, as explained by the Asociación Luz Rodriguez agree that a large part of our psychological limitations come from projections of our family tree

árbol genealógico como herramienta para conocer un propósito

In the novel “The Chosen Ones” the three protagonists do it and discover what the objective of Who Are They? The reason for his learning of evolution, pain and the essence of life. They get their answers at the individual level and humanity in general. That makes them evolved women and much more…

Find out more about the novel

This adventure of self-discovery and personal growth begins.
Mujeres imposibles de olvidar
soñar con agua significado
Margarita Arnal Moscardó

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Margarita Arnal Moscardó

How to be a better human being?

The reflection of our actions is the previous basis to be a better human being. It helps you to be able to evaluate the scope of your actions in future

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