Self-knowledge is the same as self-discovery. It is the act of seeing yourself as you are without deception or excuses, accepting yourself even if you do not like yourself, choosing as an opportunity to change and improve as a person, but the act of change will only occur if there is a self-esteem capable of laying the foundations for change. Thus, self-esteem is the ability to love ourselves by accepting ourselves without feeling guilty for our mistakes and inabilities, thus giving us the opportunity to be happy. Learning to love oneself is something that some people find very difficult and without achieving it, any progress on the road to happiness is null.
The Chosen Ones – women impossible to forget – shows three women who,after rejection, pain, loss, grief, etc., find strength and courage. The self-esteem to go beyond and move forward and feel that they are part of a universe that surrounds us and guides us to something much more transcendental. Through the book The Chosen Ones you understand how the acceptance of oneself, freeing yourself from guilt, leads you to self- esteem and with it the freedom to feel without limits with full consciousness.