The life stories of those considered great teachers of humanity deserve to be read if they are well documented. It is easier to identify the great teachers of history than the spiritual teachers of our days. But how do we know if they are a spiritual master? We know this by the message they leave humanity, by the motivation they create in others. The difficult thing is not to pervert their message.
We can say that Jesus Christ was a spiritual teacher, although his biography is surely altered, his spiritual messages are not. He preached forgiveness instead of hate and that message undoubtedly permeated a cruel and primitive society of his time. It reaches our time as a message of love.
Muhammad was also a spiritual teacher, like Jesus Christ, the angel Gabriel appeared to him who dictated the Koran, and his spiritual message is a message of equality among all beings, being fair and honored in a society where love of Allah (God) prevails.
Gautama the Buddha transmitted the message of the middle path through meditation and full awareness of your actions that cannot be moved by selfishness or destruction, can all reach the state of nirvana with effort and sacrifice. The state of nirvana represents individual consciousness and freedom, you live without ties and you reach final nirvana when you reach death. This is Parinirvana.
I would like to mention two beings closest to our current civilization:
Mother Teresa of Calcutta, her spiritual message is undeniable. They say that she was asked to participate in a march against the war, she refused and replied that she would only participate in a march in favor of peace. No one can dispute her spiritual message; she preached giving without asking for anything in return. For her, if you don’t live for others, life is meaningless.
Father Vicente Ferrer was without a doubt a spiritual man who helped the most disadvantaged in India, and without a doubt his spiritual message was solidarity. He managed to give hope to the most disadvantaged in the third world.
Certainly, many biographies distort the message and it is that the human part of him is not debatable but his spiritual legacy is an example to follow.
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The chosen ones: Women impossible to forget
Discover the experiences of 3 women, accompany them on the path of spiritual growth, understanding of their own being and their nature.

You, your dog and the horoscope
Understanding your dog’s personality is key to establish a harmonious relationship with them. Identify through the 12 signs of the zodiac the behavior of your dog.

Health, sexuality and reincarnation through the tarot
This work is based on the esoteric and ancestral wisdom of the Tarot, which deciphers, to its symbolic meaning, the necessary tools to obtain answers.

The authentic Spanish deck
The perfect manual to know the Spanish deck, its symbols, and deeper meanings. This book honors post-war women who read letters to help others.

The Egyptian tarot
With this work, the author reveals to us the meaning of the Egyptian Tarot cards and teaches us to use them to know the past, consult the present, and foresee the future.