Margarita Arnal Moscardó

Egyptian mythology

These are the set of beliefs that formed the religion of ancient Egypt, where the pantheon of Gods was present in the daily life of 3000 BC. Explaining everything that happened, the offerings were the means through which the High Priest received the favors of the gods. A God or Goddess was more important than another depending on the multitude of faithful who followed them in their temples, so important cities had more powerful gods. Once Egypt was unified, the priests grouped the teachings of the gods and preached them to the people and were based mainly on two books, ‘The Book of the Dead’ and ‘The Texts of the Pyramids’. Although these were the most famous, there were others, the objective of which is that everyone knew what to do so as not to anger the gods, both in life and in death.

For the ancient Egyptians their triad was: heaven, earth, and the afterlife. Everything had to be explained and governed by the God or Goddess who governed each of these areas. The goddess Nut for the sky, the God Geb for the Earth, and the God Osiris for the afterlife. For each God or Goddess, there was its corresponding legend in order to explain the semi-human nature of the gods.

For example, Osiris was married to the goddess Isis and their son was the God Horus. Isis’s father was the God Ra, the Sun God, and his other two daughters were Nephthys and Hathor. The list of gods and their relationships is endless.

Everything ended with Christianity that prohibited the worship of the Egyptian gods and consequently their religion and culture that was when Justinian-I reigned in 535 AD.

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