Tarot is a divination system based on a set of symbols that make up 78 cards. The result of knowing the meaning of the symbols, touching the cards and visualizing them gives the person who uses them, called cartomancers, the trigger to connect with their mind and being able to see the past, present, and future. The total certainty of your predictions will depend on the quality of your sensitivity to connect with the answer, always through your mind. This acts like a computer where the cards would be the drivers. Although much has been said about its origin, it has been proven that it is Egyptian and was introduced to Europe in the 12th century through southern Italy by the hand of the Zingaros, one of the four gypsy ethnic groups that emigrated when they were expelled from India. Arriving in Egypt, they returned through southern Italy and were called gypsies and brought the art of reading the Good Fortune (the hand). The Nabi is very well explained in the documents of the Cathedral of Siena, where some Tarot cards can be found on the pavement itself.
The confusion is because the Zingaros, being a nomadic people of oral tradition, kept the symbology of the Major Arcana, which are the first 22 cards, almost intact. With the remaining 56, they varied the symbology for what they saw, preserving the essence of the meaning of the previous symbols, thus the clubs represent the peasants, the Golds to power and money, the Cups to the court and its courtiers and sexual beauties, and the Swords to the Knights. Over time the Queen’s letter was annulled because the woman stops being important throughout the civilized world, leaving the Spanish deck. As the Tarot was prohibited as the art of the devil, it was used for gambling.
Currently the TAROT is used as a study method in psychology to understand the archetypes. The one who knew how to give it value was Carl Gustav Jung and currently has many followers. It is also used as a divination method.
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The Egyptian tarot
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