This is a book by the author Brian Weiss. Although it does not explain anything new, given that hypnosis as a form of therapy is a well-known tool, it does break the mould by explaining the cases of memories of past lives that condition our traumas in current life. Given that he is a reputed psychiatrist working at the Mount Sinai hospital in Miami, the commotion, which I believe was very positive, to make known a reality that is very hidden by the Church. The book of Malachi, the last book of the Old Testament, speaks of the arrival of the prophet Elijah as the reincarnation of John the Baptist, and it is in book two of Kings and the Gospel of Matthew where this case of reincarnation already announced by Malachi is corroborated. In the time of Jesus, reincarnation was a fact, but with the birth of Christianity they saw the convenience of being able to better subdue their faithful, enslave their minds, taking away all hope of another life. They exchanged it for resurrection, which only the saved could access and the repentant, whose forgiveness could only be granted by the Church. A round business, like papal hoaxes, buying land in heaven. Very ingenious for the time.
With all this, the author mobilized and still mobilizes many minds and has given answers to people who remember their previous lives. That is why he is a reference.
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The chosen ones: Women impossible to forget
Discover the experiences of 3 women, accompany them on the path of spiritual growth, understanding of their own being and their nature.

You, your dog and the horoscope
Understanding your dog’s personality is key to establish a harmonious relationship with them. Identify through the 12 signs of the zodiac the behavior of your dog.

Health, sexuality and reincarnation through the tarot
This work is based on the esoteric and ancestral wisdom of the Tarot, which deciphers, to its symbolic meaning, the necessary tools to obtain answers.

The authentic Spanish deck
The perfect manual to know the Spanish deck, its symbols, and deeper meanings. This book honors post-war women who read letters to help others.

The Egyptian tarot
With this work, the author reveals to us the meaning of the Egyptian Tarot cards and teaches us to use them to know the past, consult the present, and foresee the future.